Our Trees

Monterrey White Oak, Mexican White Oak Quercus polymorpha The Monterrey oak is semi-evergreen - retains its leaves...
Texas Red Oak Quercus texana Texas Red Oak is a medium to small tree, rarely growing over...
Texas Mountain Laurel Sophora Secundiflora This slow growing evergreen may be grown as a medium to large...
Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa The Bur Oak is one of the most majestic of the native North...
Chin Oak (Chinkapin Oak) Quercus muehlenbergii The Chin oak is deciduous (drops its leaves around late November...
Montezuma Cypress Taxodium mucronatum Exposure: sun Height: 50 to 80 feet Width: 25 to 35 feet Plant Character: semi-decidious Heat Tolerance:...
Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia We currently offer 9 different Crape Myrtle species which are fast-growing (up to 4...